REMAL Vinyl base

EXTRA DURABLE INTERIOR PAINT BASE. Design and luxury interiors. Tinting a wide range of shades. Washable, high coverage and coverage. More information

The bases A, B, C are designed for mixing centres. The water-based washable paint has satin finish, excellent opacity, permeability and durability. It uses for painting on: plasters, drywalls, cement boards, chipboards and restoration plasters in interior. Wet abrasion resistance class 2 (CSN EN ISO 11998, classification EN 13300)


Smooth all loose, defective paint and thick coatings. Wash the surface to remove dirt, grease and dusty residue. Defects and cracks fill by REMAL SPATULA, acrylic putty uses for bigger one. Dirty spots cover by REMAL STAIN-STOP. The surface, especially absorbent and dusting, penetrates by deep-penetrating primers. It is easy to paint on dry and smooth surfaces. Temperature of the surface must be above 5 °C.


Add max 20 % of water to the paint according application, mix properly and apply 1-2 coats by brush, roller or spray. Following coat applies when the surface dries thoroughly. Recommended thinning: for brush max 0.2 L of water (20 %) to 1 KG of the paint, for roller max 0.1 L of water (10 %) to 1 KG of the paint.

Some deep shades based on base C (yellow, red, orange) have slightly lower opacity and 3 coats are necessary or use undercoat in similar shade based on base A or B. The temperature of the surface must be above 5 °C.
All dirty tools and places clean by water immediately! Dried paint is difficult to clean!


Different colour shades are prepared by tinting system TELURMIX and RAINBOW.


up to 12 m2/kg in one coat
